

Do you want things to be quieter? Cleaner? More effective? Greener? The employees and associated specialist engineers at RAU listen, look, analyse and provide comprehensive and competent consultation. They provide clarification regarding any queries you might have as to the solution most suitable for your requirements and environment. With RAU, almost anything is possible when it comes to protection against noise. Simply get in touch with us.


In order to be able to immediately respond to the rare care and maintenance issues that may arise, one or more service lines are available at all times to address your concerns.


Now the detail begins: What is the situation regarding space requirements, the positioning of the barrier and the barrier height? How do you put together design plans, invitations to tender and expert noise protection reports? Which vegetation is most suitable and what care do the plants require? We take care of all planning tasks on your behalf, and support you with our expertise in order to guarantee a smooth construction process.

Barrier construction

The choice is yours: Would you like your noise barrier to be produced and maintained by us, with a complete construction package? Alternatively we can deliver the construction kit only. Construction can then be carried out by a local company or you can do it yourself. Let us know your basic requirements and possibilities – and we will find the best solution for you.

RAU Lärmschutzwände Geosystem GBK GmbH
Westhafenstraße 1
D-13353 Berlin
+49 (0)30 397 488 64

Rau Geosystem Süd GmbH

Am Riederloh 28
D-87600 Kaufbeuren
+49 (0)8341 995 71 80

RAU Nord
Im Dorfe 17c
D-28876 Oyten
+49 (0)4207 995 99 20

RAU West
D-53227 Bonn
+49 (0)22 876 367 88 8

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